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Kim Correa RN
(office) 757-898-0368
(fax)  855-369-2614 or 877-829-0313


Clinic Hours:  7:00am - 2:15pm

If a student becomes ill at school and needs to go home, the student must report to the clinic. They will be evaluated by the Nurse and if needed make the necessary phone call(s). Students should not use their cell phones to call home. Students will remain in the clinic for pick-up by parent/guardian or person on student’s contact list-They will not be allowed to meet the person picking them up at their vehicle. Telephone parental permission must be obtained by the Nurse before allowing any ill or injured student to drive home from school. If the nurse determines that the student is not physically able to drive, the parent will be required to pick up them up.

Emergency Contact Cards
It is very important that each student have a current Emergency Contact Card on file in the clinic. We all hope that no emergency occurs.  However, if your student is involved in an emergency, it is vitally important that all contact information is up to date.  Please fill out the cards completely and return them to the clinic as soon as possible.  If any information changes during the school year, please contact the clinic so the changes can be documented.

Whenever possible, medication should be taken at home. However, the clinic understands there are times when medication must be taken at school.  Students are not allowed to keep medication with them. All medication, whether it is prescription or over the counter, must be kept in the clinic and administered by the nurse. The medication must be in its original container labeled with the student’s name.The permission form, located in the clinic, must be filled out and signed by the parent/guardian before any medication can be administered. 

*Phone permission is not allowed for medication dispensing.

Any medication not in its original container will be confiscated and kept in the clinic until student’s parent/guardian can pick it up. The nurse can only administer medication according to the directions on the container. For any changes in dosage, a physician’s order must be obtained and given to the nurse. Prescription medication must also be in its original container with the student’s name, medication, dosage, time of medication dispensing, and doctor’s name.

*Beginning with the 2011-12 school year-

All medication must be brought to school by the parent/guardian.

Students are NOT allowed to transport medication to school.

Epipens/Asthma Inhalers
Epipens and asthma inhalers may be carried by students for self-administration if the appropriate forms are completed by the physcian and parent. They can be obtained by accessing the links to the left. Once completed they are to be returned to the clinic so the nurse can document their permission and abilities to self carry and administer their medications.